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Tips and techniques to become a writer
How to Become a Writer

Hello, and welcome to my blog!

I love to write! Among all the interests and hobbies I have explored in my lifetime, writing remains my number one passion. As a matter of fact, I can't not write. Believe me, I've tried. But every time I've thought about retiring, something always draws me back. I now see it as a calling, but it took years to come to that conclusion.

I began this journey in 1997, knowing nothing about the craft but earnestly longing to become some kind of writer. A sprinter by nature, I was not prepared for the marathon that lay ahead of me, oblivious to how much training would be involved—training in the sense of consistent learning, practicing, and persevering to achieve my goals.


When I first started writing, I had so many questions. It wasn't enough to read and research; I needed first-hand advice. I am forever grateful for those who took the time to share their expertise and to help me navigate the vast world of writing. Twenty-five years later, I have exceeded my dreams, and I have since developed a passion for coaching those just starting out, which is the goal of this blog. Some of the topics I hope to share will include:

·         Tips

·         Techniques

·         Advice

·         Personal stories

·         Excerpts

·         Examples

·         Insights

·         and more, hoping each post serves as another piece in the grand puzzle of how to become a writer.

I hope you will check back often, and I welcome your questions and comments!

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