Do you want to become a writer but have no idea where to start? Rest assured, many others have shared your experience—including myself! The realm of writing is a vast universe offering countless opportunities for exploration, but it can be daunting to pinpoint a beginning.

As a teenager I dreamed about becoming a novelist, but the idea of writing a book seemed immense, mysterious, and unattainable. I then considered writing magazine articles, yet I hardly ever read magazines, so I discarded that idea as well.
Over time, I found my way into the world of writing, and now, after 25 years, I have surpassed my childhood dreams. My journey began with a few small steps that eventually led to unexpected writing opportunities.
Keep a Journal: This is a great way to develop the discipline of writing on a regular basis without worrying about anyone editing your work.
Read, and Read More: My first published article came after reading and studying over a dozen books on the craft of writing.
Volunteer Write: Find an opportunity to write for free. Get involved with a company newsletter, write for your church bulletin, send a letter to your local newspaper, write letters for a non-profit organization like Operation Gratitude.
Join a Writer's Group: The Bible tells us that "Iron sharpens iron." By surrounding yourself with individuals who share similar passions, you will find inspiration and experience growth.