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Learn to create specific nouns for stronger writing
Strong Nouns Strengthen Writing

A simple method to enhance your writing is to choose strong nouns. Using precise nouns is a pivotal key to producing a vivid story.

Consider this sentence: “A basket of fruit sat on the kitchen table.” The word “fruit” is too broad, too general. Now consider the same sentence using specific nouns: “A basket of red grapes and ripe bananas sat on the kitchen table.” Observe how the image springs to life within your imagination.

Beginning writers often attempt to use excessive details to make their point, yet nouns can become obscured in an ocean of dull adjectives, resulting in boring writing.

Consider the following general noun embellished with a general adjective:

He lives in a large house in the country.

Instead of saying "large house" search for a specific noun that combines the two words. Each choice generates a different picture in the reader's mind.

He lives in a chateau in the country.

He lives in a castle in the country.

He lives on an estate in the country.

Let “tall trees” become “pines and oaks.” Let “beautiful flowers” become “delphiniums and daisies.” Let “bad weather” become “hurricane-force winds and blinding rain.” Let “a long drive through a barren land” become “a 100-mile trek through the Mojave Desert.” Can you “see” the difference?

The more detailed the nouns, the stronger the impact. Here are a few more examples:

Use strong nouns to strengthen your writing

Emily returned from the animal shelter with two small dogs.

Emily returned from the animal shelter with two miniature poodles.


The couple met at the restaurant for drinks and appetizers.

The couple met at the Bistro for Chardonnay and Calamari.


The cop entered the dwelling and smelled a bad odor.

Officer Brennan entered the trailer and smelled a rotten corpse.

Strengthen your writing with strong, specific nouns and breathe life into your writing. Enjoy the challenge!


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