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The Power of Strong Verbs


Use strong verbs to describe the boy walking

Imagine you are writing a scene about a boy walking home from school. Consider this image. What words would you use to convey his movement?

You might say, "Benny walked slowly along the empty sidewalk." Although this sentence is accurate, its ordinary, boring.

In a previous post, I emphasized the importance of using strong nouns to enhance your writing. Similarly, employing strong verbs will elevate your work and produce vivid images in the minds of your readers.

Consider the following:

  • "Benny ambled along the empty sidewalk."

  • "Benny trudged along the empty sidewalk."

  • "Benny shuffled along the empty sidewalk."

Observe how a subtle change in verb selection can alter the scene's atmosphere. The use of a more potent verb hints at Benny's state of mind: Unhurried? Troubled? Lonely?

To catch these weak adverb/verb combinations in your manuscript, conduct a word search for the suffix "ly" and convert these combos to specific verbs, preferably verbs that convey action or more accurately express the intended emotion.


Captain Brody spoke harshly to his subordinate.

Captain Brody blasted his subordinate.


The audience watched in awe as the couple skated gracefully across the ice.

The audience watched in awe as the couple glided across the ice.


The investigator carefully examined the evidence.

The investigator scrutinized the evidence.

Chloe's garden grew successfully under her green thumb.

Chloe's garden flourished under her green thumb.

Nathan reached out and gently touched his wife's face.

Nathan reached out and caressed his wife's face.


In the library, the students spoke quietly amongst themselves.

In the library, the students whispered amongst themselves.


Use specific verbs to strengthen your writing
Specific Verbs Strengthen Your Writing


You might have chosen a verb that stands well on its own, yet selecting a more precise verb may further strengthen the description of the action.

A crew of twenty men built a new housing complex.

A crew of twenty men constructed a new housing complex.


The ballerina danced across the stage.

The ballerina pirouetted across the stage.


The mission trip to Bolivia changed Michael’s life goals.

The mission trip to Bolivia transformed Michael’s life goals.


The F2 tornado destroyed the small town.

The F2 tornado pulverized the small town.

Vocabulary is an awesome thing! There are so many word choices—push yourself to find the most powerful verbs to enhance your work. Utilize a thesaurus and relish the challenge. Keep in mind, variety is a powerful tool in writing!












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